Color Atlas of Anatomy - A Photographic Study of the Human Body
Preface to the Seventh Edition
This new edition was revised and structured anew in different ways. Each chapter is provided with an introductory front page to give an overview of the topics of the chapter and short descriptions.
The whole introductory chapter “General Anatomy” was newly arranged and supported with introductory texts, thus facilitating students to better understand the complicated “world” of gross anatomy. The large chapter 2 “Head and Neck” was split into 5 sub-chapters with an introductory page each.
Furthermore, the drawings were revised and improved in many chapters and depicted more consistently. In most of the chapters new photographs taken from newly dissected specimens were incorporated. The general structure and arrangement of the Atlas were main- tained.
The chapters of regional anatomy are consequently placed behind the systematic descriptions of the anatomical structures so that students can study – e.g. before dissecting an extremity – the systematic anatomy of bones, joints, muscles, nerves and vessels.
For studying the photographs of the specimens the use of a magnifier might be helpful. The enormous plasticity of the photos is surprising, especially at higher magnifications. In many places new MRI and CT scans were added to give consi- deration to the new imaging techniques which become more and more important for the student in preclinics. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Prof. Heuck, Munich, who provided us with the MRI scans.
1 General Anatomy 1
- Architectural Principles of the Human Body________ 1
- Position of the Inner Organs, Palpaple Points, and Regional Lines ___ 2
- Planes and Directions of the Body ________________ 4
- Osteology _____________________________________ 6
- Skeleton of the Human Body __________________ 6
- Bone Structure _____________________________ 8
- Ossification of the Bones ______________________ 9
- Arthrology __________________________________ 10
- Types of Joints ______________________________ 10
- Architecture of the Joint ______________________ 12
- Myology ____________________________________ 13
- Shapes of Muscles __________________________ 13
- Structure of the Muscular System _________________ 14
- Comparative Imaging of Skeletal and Muscular Structures in MRI and X-Ray ________ 15
- Organization of the Circulatory System _____________ 16
- Organization of the Lymphatic System ____________ 17
- Organization of the Nervous System _______________ 18
2 Head and Neck 19
2.1 Skull and Muscles of the Head ______ 19
- Bones of the Skull ____________________________ 20
- Disarticulated Skull I __________________________ 24
- Sphenoidal and Occipital Bones ________________ 24
- Temporal Bone ____________________________ 26
- Frontal Bone ______________________________ 28
- Calvaria ____________________________________ 29
- Base of the Skull______________________________ 30
- Skull of the Newborn __________________________ 35
- Median Sections through the Skull ______________ 36
- Disarticulated Skull II __________________________ 38
- Ethmoidal Bone ____________________________ 38
- Ethmoidal and Palatine Bones__________________ 39
- Palatine Bone and Maxilla ____________________ 40
- Sphenoidal, Ethmoidal, and Palatine Bones ________ 43
- Maxilla, Zygomatic Bone, and Bony Palate ________ 45
- Pterygopalatine Fossa and Orbit ________________ 46
- Orbit, and Nasal and Lacrimal Bones ____________ 47
- Bones of the Nasal Cavity ______________________ 48
- Septum and Cartilages of the Nose ______________ 49
- Maxilla and Mandible with Teeth ________________ 50
- Deciduous and Permanent Teeth ________________ 51
- Mandible and Dental Arch ______________________ 52
- Ligaments of the Temporomandibular Joint ________ 53
- Temporomandibular Joint ________________________ 54
- Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory Muscles __ 55
- Masticatory Muscles __________________________ 56
- Temporalis and Masseter Muscles ______________ 56
- Pterygoid Muscles __________________________ 57
- Facial Muscles ________________________________ 58
- Supra- and Infrahyoid Muscles __________________ 60
- Section through the Cavities of the Head__________ 62
- Maxillary Artery ______________________________ 63
2.2 Cranial Nerves________________________ 64
- Brain and Cranial Nerves _________________________ 64
- Trigeminal Nerve _____________________________ 68
- Facial Nerve ________________________________ 70
- Connection with the Brain Stem ________________ 71
- Nerves of the Orbit __________________________ 72
- Base of the Skull with Cranial Nerves ____________ 74
- Regions of the Head __________________________ 76
- Lateral Region _______________________________ 76
- Retromandibular Region ______________________ 80
- Para- and Retropharyngeal Regions______________ 83
2.3 Brain and Sensory Organs____________ 84
- Position of Brain and Great Sensory Organs________ 84
- Scalp and Meninges _____________________________ 85
- Meninges ______________________________________ 86
- Dura Mater and Dural Venous Sinuses ____________ 86
- Dura Mater __________________________________ 88
- Pia Mater and Arachnoid ________________________ 89
- Brain _________________________________________ 90
- Median Sections ____________________________ 90
- Arteries and Veins __________________________ 92
- Arteries __________________________________ 93
- Arteries and the Arterial Circle of Willis __________ 98
- Cerebrum ________________________________ 99
- Cerebellum________________________________ 102
- Dissections ________________________________ 104
- Limbic System ________________________________ 107
- Hypothalamus ___________________________________ 108
- Subcortical Nuclei __________________________ 109
- Ventricular System __________________________ 112
- Brain Stem ________________________________ 114
- Coronal and Cross Sections____________________ 116
- Horizontal Sections __________________________ 118
- Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus ___________________ 122
- Temporal Bone __________________________________ 125
- Middle Ear ________________________________ 126
- Auditory Ossicles _____________________________ 128
- Internal Ear _________________________________ 129
- Auditory Pathway and Areas ____________________ 131
- Visual Apparatus and Orbit _______________________ 132
- Eyeball _____________________________________ 133
- Vessels of the Eye __________________________ 134
- Extra-ocular Muscles ________________________ 135
- Visual Pathway and Areas ____________________ 137
- Layers of the Orbit __________________________ 140
- Lacrimal Apparatus and Lids __________________ 142
2.4 Oral and Nasal Cavities ______________ 143
- Position of Oral and Nasal Cavities ______________ 143
- Nasal Cavity ___________________________________ 144
- Paranasal Sinuses __________________________ 144
- Nerves and Arteries ___________________________ 146
- Sections through the Nasal and Oral Cavities ______ 148
- Oral Cavity __________________________________ 150
- Muscles __________________________________ 150
- Submandibular Triangle ______________________ 152
- Salivary Glands ____________________________ 153
2.5 Neck and Organs of the Neck ________ 154
- Organization and Regions of the Neck ____________ 154
- Muscles of the Neck __________________________ 156
- Larynx ______________________________________ 158
- Cartilages and Hyoid Bone ____________________ 158
- Muscles __________________________________ 160
- Vocal Ligament ____________________________ 161
- Nerves _____________________________________ 162
- Larynx and Oral Cavity _____________________________ 163
- Pharynx ____________________________________ 164
- Muscles __________________________________ 166
- Vessels of the Head and Neck ________________________ 168
- Arteries __________________________________ 168
- Arteries and Veins __________________________ 170
- Veins ____________________________________ 171
- Lymph Vessels and Nodes ____________________ 172
- Regions of the Neck __________________________ 174
- Anterior Region ____________________________ 174
- Lateral Region _______________________________ 178
- Cervical and Brachial Plexuses __________________ 186
3 Trunk 187
- Segmental Structure of the Trunk ________________ 187
- Skeleton ____________________________________ 188
- Vertebrae _____________________________________ 190
- Vertebral Column and Thorax _____________________ 192
- Vertebral Joints ____________________________ 195
- Costovertebral Joints and Intercostal Muscles ______ 196
- Costovertebral Joints ________________________ 197
- Ligaments ________________________________ 198
- Joints Connecting to the Head ____________________ 200
- Vertebral Column of the Neck __________________ 203
- Surface Anatomy of the Anterior Body ____________ 204
- Female __________________________________ 204
- Male ____________________________________ 205
- Thoracic Wall ________________________________ 206
- Thoracic and Abdominal Walls __________________ 209
- Vessels and Nerves __________________________ 214
- Inguinal Region ______________________________ 217
- Male ____________________________________ 217
- Female __________________________________ 220
- Back __________________________________________ 221
- Muscles __________________________________ 221
- Nerves __________________________________ 226
- Vertebral Canal and Spinal Cord ________________ 230
- Nuchal Region __________________________________ 234
4 Thoracic Organs 243
- Position of the Thoracic Organs ___________________ 243
- Respiratory System _____________________________ 246
- Bronchial Tree ________________________________ 246
- Projections of Lungs and Pleura ________________ 248
- Lungs ____________________________________ 249
- Bronchopulmonary Segments __________________ 250
- Heart _________________________________________ 252
- Myocardium ___________________________________ 257
- Valves _____________________________________ 258
- Function ____________________________________ 260
- Conducting System __________________________ 261
- Arteries and Veins __________________________ 262
- Regional Anatomy of the Thoracic Organs ___________ 264
- Thymus __________________________________ 266
- Heart ____________________________________ 268
- Pericardium _________________________________ 272
- Epicardium ________________________________ 273
- Posterior Mediastinum ________________________ 274
- Mediastinal Organs ___________________________ 274
- Posterior and Superior Mediastinum _______________ 281
- Mediastinal Organs ___________________________ 281
- Diaphragm __________________________________ 282
- Coronal Sections through the Thorax ____________ 284
- Horizontal Sections through the Thorax __________ 286
- Fetal Circulatory System _________________________ 288
- Mammary Gland ________________________________ 290
5 Abdominal Organs 291
- Position of the Abdominal Organs _________________ 291
- Anterior Abdominal Wall _________________________ 293
- Stomach ____________________________________ 294
- Pancreas and Bile Ducts ________________________ 296
- Liver _________________________________________ 298
- Spleen ______________________________________ 300
- Upper Abdominal Organs ______________________ 301
- Vessels of the Abdominal Organs ________________ 302
- Superior Mesenteric Vessels _____________________ 302
- Portal Circulation _____________________________ 303
- Superior Mesenteric Artery ____________________ 304
- Inferior Mesenteric Artery ____________________ 305
- Dissection of the Abdominal Organs _______________ 306
- Mesenteric Arteries ___________________________ 308
- Mesentery ________________________________ 310
- Upper Abdominal Organs _______________________ 311
- Posterior Abdominal Wall ______________________ 316
- Pancreas and Bile Ducts ______________________ 316
- Duodenum, Pancreas, and Spleen _________________ 317
- Root of the Mesentery and Peritoneal Recesses ____ 318
- Horizontal Sections through the Abdominal Cavity __ 320
- Midsagittal Sections through the Abdominal Cavity __ 322
6 Retroperitoneal Organs 323
- Position of the Urinary Organs __________________ 323
- Sections through the Retroperitoneal Region ______ 325
- Kidney ______________________________________ 326
- Arteries __________________________________ 328
- Arteries and Veins __________________________ 329
- Retroperitoneal Region ________________________ 330
- Urinary System _______________________________ 330
- Lymph Vessels and Nodes _______________________ 332
- Vessels and Nerves _____________________________ 333
- Autonomic Nervous System____________________ 334
- Male Urogenital System________________________ 336
- Male Genital Organs (isolated) __________________ 337
- Male External Genital Organs _____________________ 340
- Penis ____________________________________ 342
- Male Internal Genital Organs _____________________ 343
- Testis and Epididymis ________________________ 343
- Accessory Glands _______________________________ 344
- Pelvic Cavity in the Male ___________________________ 345
- Coronal Sections _____________________________ 345
- Vessels of the Pelvic Organs _____________________ 346
- Abdominal Aorta _____________________________ 348
- Vessels and Nerves of the Pelvic Organs __________ 349
- Urogenital and Pelvic Diaphragms in the Male _______ 350
- Female Urogenital System ______________________ 354
- Female Genital Organs (isolated) ________________ 356
- Female Internal Genital Organs__________________ 358
- Uterus and Related Organs ____________________ 359
- Arteries and Lymph Vessels ____________________ 360
- Female External Genital Organs ________________ 361
- Urogenital Diaphragm
- and External Genital Organs in the Female ________ 363
- Pelvic Cavity in the Female _______________________ 366
- Coronal and Horizontal Sections ________________ 367
7 Upper Limb 368
- Skeleton of the Shoulder Girdle and Thorax _________ 368
- Scapula _______________________________________ 371
- Skeleton of the Shoulder Girdle and Humerus ______ 372
- Humerus ____________________________________ 373
- Skeleton of the Forearm _________________________ 374
- Skeleton of the Forearm and Hand __________________ 375
- Skeleton of the Hand __________________________ 376
- Joints and Ligaments of the Shoulder ____________ 378
- Ligaments of the Elbow Joint _____________________ 379
- Ligaments of the Hand and Wrist ________________ 380
- Muscles of the Shoulder and Arm ________________ 382
- Dorsal Muscles _________________________________ 382
- Pectoral Muscles _____________________________ 384
- Muscles of the Arm _____________________________ 386
- Muscles of the Forearm and Hand _________________ 388
- Flexor Muscles ____________________________ 388
- Extensor Muscles __________________________ 392
- Muscles of the Hand __________________________ 394
- Arteries _________________________________________ 396
- Veins ____________________________________________ 398
- Nerves _______________________________________ 399
- Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb ______________ 401
- Posterior and Lateral Aspects __________________ 401
- Anterior Aspect ____________________________ 402
- Neck and Shoulder ____________________________ 403
- Shoulder ____________________________________ 404
- Posterior Region _____________________________ 404
- Anterior Region ____________________________ 406
- Shoulder and Arm ____________________________ 408
- Axillary Region ___________________________________ 410
- Brachial Plexus ___________________________________ 413
- Arm ________________________________________ 414
- Cubital Region _________________________________ 416
- Forearm and Hand ____________________________ 420
- Posterior Region ____________________________ 420
- Anterior Region ____________________________ 422
- Hand _________________________________________ 424
- Posterior Region ____________________________ 424
- Anterior Region ____________________________ 426
- Sections through the Upper Limb ________________ 430
8 Lower Limb 432
- Skeleton of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb ______ 432
- Bones of the Pelvis ____________________________ 433
- Skeleton of the Pelvis ___________________________ 435
- Bones of the Hip Joint ___________________________ 438
- Femur ______________________________________ 439
- Skeleton of the Leg _____________________________ 440
- Bones of the Knee Joint ________________________ 441
- Skeleton of the Foot __________________________ 442
- Ligaments of the Pelvis and Hip Joint ____________ 444
- Knee Joint _______________________________________ 446
- Ligaments of the Knee Joint ____________________ 447
- Joints of the Ankle ____________________________ 449
- Ligaments of the Foot ___________________________ 450
- Muscles of the Thigh __________________________ 452
- Adductor Muscles __________________________ 452
- Gluteal Muscles ____________________________ 454
- Flexor Muscles _______________________________ 455
- Muscles of the Leg ____________________________ 457
- Flexor Muscles _______________________________ 457
- Muscles of the Leg and Foot ____________________ 458
- Deep Flexor Muscles ________________________ 460
- Extensor Muscles _____________________________ 462
- Muscles of the Foot _____________________________ 463
- Arteries _______________________________________ 466
- Veins _________________________________________ 468
- Nerves ______________________________________ 470
- Lumbosacral Plexus ___________________________ 471
- Lumbar Part of the Vertebral Canal and Spinal Cord __ 472
- Spinal Cord with Intercostal Nerves ______________ 474
- Spinal Cord and Lumbar Plexus __________________ 475
- Surface Anatomy of the Lower Limb ______________ 476
- Posterior Aspect ____________________________ 476
- Anterior Aspect ____________________________ 477
- Thigh ______________________________________ 478
- Anterior Region ____________________________ 478
- Gluteal Region _________________________________ 482
- Thigh ______________________________________ 484
- Posterior Region ____________________________ 484
- Knee and Popliteal Fossa ______________________ 486
- Crural Region ________________________________ 489
- Crural Region and Foot ________________________ 492
- Coronal Sections through the Foot ______________ 495
- Sections through the Lower Limb ________________ 496
- Foot ________________________________________ 498
- Posterior Region ____________________________ 498
- Anterior Region ____________________________ 500
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