Tuesday, September 27, 2022

MRI at a Glancen Third Edition - Catherine Westbrook

MRI at a Glancen

MRI at a Glancen Third Edition - Catherine Westbrook


MRI at a Glance is one of a series of books that presents complex information in an easily accessible format. This series has become famous for its concise text and clear diagrams, which are laid out with text on one page and diagrams relating to the text on the opposite page. In this way all the infor- mation on a particular topic is summarized so that the reader has the essential points at their fingertips.

The third edition has been updated with a new companion website that includes some exciting new features. In the book, some chapters have been streamlined and reorganized and there are some updated images and diagrams. Each topic is presented on two pages for easy reference and large subjects have been broken down into smaller sections. In the book and compan- ion website I have included simple explanations and animations,analogies, bulleted lists, simple tables, key points, equations (but only for those who like them), scan tips, ‘Did You Know’ learning points, some questions and answers and plenty of images to aid the understanding of each topic. There are appendices on trade‐ offs, acronyms, abbreviations and artefacts. The glossary has also been expanded.

This book is intended to provide a concise overview of essen- tial facts for revision purposes and for those very new to MRI. For more detailed explanations the reader is directed to MRI in Practice and Handbook of MRI Technique. Indeed, the diagrams and images in this book are taken from these other texts and MRI at a Glance is intended to complement them.

Learning MRI physics can be hard work. I hope that this book helps to demystify it!

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