MRI Parameters and Positioning
Im portant note:
Medicine is an ever- changing science undergoing continual developm ent. Research and clinical experience are continually expanding our knowledge, in particular our knowledge of proper treatm ent and drug therapy. Insofar as this book mentions any dosage or application, readers m ay rest assured that the authors, editors, and publishers have m ade every e ort to ensure that such references are in accordance w ith the state of knowledge at the tim e of production of the book.
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Such exam ination is particularly important w ith drugs that are either rarely used or have been newly released on the m arket. Every dosage schedule or every form of application used is entirely at the user’s ow n risk and responsibility. The authors and publishers request every user to report to the publishers any discrepancies or inaccuracies noticed.
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Although m agnetic resonance im aging, or MRI, has been w ith us for quite som e tim e and is in w idespread and routine use, good “recipe books” on the perform ance of specific actual studies are hard to find. As all im aging m odalities, and particularly MRI, are carried out by a range of operators under varying clinical circum stances, standardizing the work flow becom es ever m ore important, because it is only through standardization that the quality of diagnostic im aging w ill im prove. This pared-dow n book attem pts to close the gaps in MRI protocols for routine applications. By leaving out all extraneous inform ation, we have put together a power-packed “how-to- do-it” book.
We have com piled protocols for m ost m ajor studies, not only paying particular attention to the “classic” indications in neurology and orthopedics but also including the m ore recent developm ents such as MR angiography, MR cholangiography, MR urography, or MR colonography.
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